National to Elgin National Watch Co name change.

Through announcements in the Chicago Tribune, we can map out the exact date the name of the company changed from National Watch Company to Elgin National Watch Company.

These clippings are courtesy of the Library of Congress.  

Very early on the product of the National Watch Company became known as Elgin Watches.  Take notice of this first clipping, from 1872.  A couple years before the company became Elgin.

The Chicago Daily Tribune, Dec 19, 1872
It would only make sense to actually call the company by that name.  They needed the stockholders approval.  A special meeting was scheduled to be held on February 28, 1874 to consider the name change.

The Chicago Dialy Tribune, Feb 6 & 13, 1874
The stockholders obviously agreed that it was a good idea to change the name, and a meeting was set for April 4, 1874 to vote on the question of changing the name.  (Should they, or should they not)

The Chicago Dialy Tribune, March 4 &18, 1874
The outcome of the vote must have been that they should change the name, because our next clipping sets a meeting for voting that the name of the corporation be changed to "Elgin National Watch Company". 

The Chicago Dialy Tribune, April 11 & 18, 1874
Finally after all of the red tape, meetings and voting, they filed the certificate of name change with the state.

The Chicago Dialy Tribune, May 17, 1874
The previous clipping says papers filed may 17, and the next one says May 14.. but after 140 years we can accept a few days in difference.  

The Chicago Dialy Tribune, May 30, 1874
So the bottom line of the whole article is that National Watch Company was Changed to Elgin National Watch Company on May 12, 1874, and the papers filed May 14-17th, 1874.  

Before you go grab that old watch to switch the dial, be aware that serial numbers are not finished in order and there are perfectly legitimate Elgin Nat'l Watch Co dials stretching back to at least (do not have a specific SN) 155xxx.   There is no exact cut off line.  Leave your dial alone!  

Thanks for reading and have a good day!  


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